Great River Federal Credit Union, Sauk Rapids, MN

“Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

Form and function are two important elements when it comes to building and designing a space. Often times, we think that function should come first. Functionality, after all, is referring to a building’s practicality and the ways that it serves the purpose of the space. Form, on the other hand, refers to its design and aesthetic elements.

As Frank Lloyd Wright stated, we at Vanman believe these two things should coexist without sacrificing one for the other. We don’t want one of these to simply be an afterthought. Even though the practicality of a space may seem like the more important of the two at first glance, form is what can truly help or hurt a space. Have you ever been inside of a building that’s completely practical for its purpose but leaves you with no lasting impression emotionally? Or worse, leaves you with a negative impression? 

Your building should leave a positive impression on those who enter its doors. It needs to not only work from a practical standpoint, but it should also reflect the feel of your business or ministry and the services you’re providing. It also needs to be uniquely yours so that it stands apart from the rest. At Vanman, this is something that’s important to us and something we prioritize with our projects. We recognize that everyone’s style and preference is unique, so we want to take the time to get to know you so that we can know how to best reflect your company in the design of your space. 

Let us help you create a space that serves both you and your customers without skimping on the aesthetics. Reach out to us today to learn more about the ways we can work together with you to transform your space into something you love!

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